Contact the gallery


Online assessment

The Hubert Duchemin gallery will contact you as soon as possible.

Please, describe your request (more precise as possible) and give us pictures of your artwork.

Describe your artwork. As more details you give, as more precise will be our expertise.

Add pictures or documents (jpg, word, pdf). by clicking in the area below


    Extensions autorisées : jpg, png, pdf


    Hubert Duchemin,
    Art expert
    8, rue de Louvois
    75002 - PARIS

    Tel: +33 (0)1 42 60 83 01
    Emails :


    Hubert Duchemin
    8, rue de Louvois - 75002 - PARIS
    Tel: +33 (0)1 42 60 83 01
    privacy policy / copyright hubert duchemin 2013